Hello dear travel enthusiasts and fellow tourers on this journey of life! I’m excited to welcome you to my travel sanctuary, a corner of the internet where we’ll embark on adventures, share stories, and celebrate the beauty of exploring the world in the wonderful stage of life! 

I’m Bridget, a corporate, travel wife and mum to three beautiful humans (a young adult and two teens) and this blog is born out of a passion for embracing the magic that travel brings, even when juggling the different responsibilities and the realities of life. Let’s dive into a world where wanderlust knows no age limit and each passport stamp tells a story of resilience, joy, and the timeless spirit of exploration.

I love traveling and have always had it as a hobby, and with the children growing and schedules evolving, I felt an unmistakable call to the open road. The world, with its vast landscapes and diverse cultures, beckoned me to venture beyond the familiar. As a travel mum, I realized that this was not just a desire; it was a need to enrich my life and the lives of those I hold dear with experiences beyond the ordinary.

This itself comes with its own set of unique adventures. From finding destinations that cater to both teenage curiosity and my desire for cultural immersion to packing tips that save both space and sanity, this journey is a delicate balance of family dynamics and personal exploration.

As the kids grow, and the nest begins to echo with newfound independence, I’ve found solace, joy, and a rediscovery of self through travel. Each trip becomes not only an exploration of new lands but a journey into the depths of my own aspirations, dreams, and the ever-evolving tapestry of life’s wisdom and the opportunity to meet new people, rediscover purpose whilst navigating new environments from the wisdom from the road. I love the bible story of the wise men that journeyed from a far country to offer gifts to a baby king- the Christmas nativity story still remains one of my absolute favorites of all times!

 Join me as I share lessons learned from navigating airports with teenagers, the joys of spontaneous detours, and the beauty of connecting with locals. Wisdom from the road is not just about reading maps; it’s about navigating the evolving landscapes of family life and personal growth with grace and a dash of wanderlust.

This blog section is not just about my adventures; it’s a platform for shared experiences. I invite you, dear reader, to share your travel and other stories, tips, and the moments that have shaped you as a travel mum in your life’s journey.

As we set forth on this journey together, let’s celebrate the beauty of being a mum – whether you’re already traveling, still exploring the idea of traveling or not even embarked on it yet! There’s a world out there waiting to be explored, and our passports are but tools to unlock the extraordinary stories that await. Here’s to wanderlust, to family adventures, and to the countless chapters of exploration yet to unfold.

Buckle up, fellow travel mums, the adventure has just begun!

Bee xo

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